Learn more about Module 3 of Time Is Essential (Video)

In this week’s video, our coach expert Sabrina Cadini shared more details about Module 3 of our self-paced course, Time Is Essential: Fundamentals for Team Productivity. Designed and taught by our coaches here at Mana, the course provides time management knowledge with an emphasis on practicing new skills with expert support and guidance. Our 5-module program blends self-paced video sessions with individual coaching to ensure you can analyze and improve your relationship with time management and focused work.

You may ask yourself why you should take this course now. As you probably know, burnout in the workplace is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, and some of the causes are overwork and perceived lack of control. Over 45% of U.S. employees report they are burnt out, and over 75% say they have experienced burnout. This is bad for business. Not only do employers spend over $190 billion per year on burn-out-related healthcare costs, but employee productivity and employee retention decrease significantly. 

Watch the video above to know more about Module 3, Finding Focus, where you will learn how to establish focus hours, identify common blockers, and deploy common resolutions. Our Distraction Management Plan Worksheet will allow you to discover what distracts you during the day and create action plans to regain focus.

Here’s a quick reminder of what’s included in the course:

  • 5 modules with video lessons featuring activities to build data-driven time awareness and collaboration across teams

  • 2 individual coaching sessions focused on personal and professional growth

  • Targeted action sheets to work through new concepts

  • 1-year subscription to our app, Mana, to track progress and continue your growth after you complete the course

We hope we convinced you to check out our course and sign up so that you can master time management like no other!

The course is $299 and it’s a great value considering everything you’re getting, so sign up for the course today!

Also, can you do us a favor? You probably know friends and colleagues who are in the same situation (being overwhelmed, pressured, and wondering how to use their time better to achieve their goals), and they might benefit from this course too, so please share this blog post or the sign-up link with them!

Sabrina also did a quick tutorial on how to create and submit reports in Mana so that you can identify blind spots, highlight progress, confirm priorities, and elevate challenges and roadblocks. This is very helpful to maintain great communications and minimize the risk of burnout among your employees or team. Another cause of burnout can be lack of reward or recognition, especially in the case of remote work environments. Watch the video above to see how!

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Want to know more about Mana? Download the app today and schedule a call with one of our coaches to learn how to spend your time better!


Learn more about Module 4 of Time Is Essential (Video)


Learn more about Module 2 of Time Is Essential (Video)