How to make your workspace more comfortable (Video)

In honor of Employee Health and Fitness Month (with the goal to improve the health of the global workforce by engaging employees in healthful activities with a variety of wellness and fitness programs) and Correct Your Posture Month (encouraging us to consciously think about the way we align our bodies during the different activities we perform every day), our coach expert Sabrina Cadini shares some useful tips in the video above to improve your posture and your workspace, and make it as comfortable as possible.

Over time, poor posture can cause bone and joint issues, headaches, injury, circulatory issues, and more that lead to pain and discomfort - and to other health issues - placing the quality of our life at risk. Sitting at a desk for many hours can be bad for you, so you want to pay attention to how you work and to how your environment is set up. Being able to arrange your desk, your chair, your computer in the right way can make a big difference.

You can implement these tips immediately and start working better:


Natural light would be best to promote productivity and performance. If you only have artificial light available, make sure the office or work area is well-lit.


You should keep an upright posture both when you stand up or sit down. Whether you’re sitting or standing, make sure:

  • Your low back has a slight forward curve

  • Your ears remain directly over your shoulders

  • Your shoulders remain over your hips


Make sure that your computer screen is about an arm's length away from you, and at eye level to prevent eyestrain. You should look at it directly, not at an angle.

Have your keyboard and your mouse at the same level, placed at a comfortable angle to keep your wrists straight.

Keep watching the video above for more useful tips!

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