What should come first: Life or Work? (Video)

What do you prioritize – life or work?

Most of you may go for “work” because you have enormous workloads and never-ending important and urgent tasks every day, and you must take care of them because you feel everything matters. You’re probably the one who, when friends and family ask, “How are you?” responds, “Oh, I’m so busy” and you never have time left for yourself. Or you probably have to work late at night because you have a tight deadline to complete a project. But … could you have prioritized your time better during work hours, and finish the project then, so that you could dedicate your evening to yourself and family instead? When you look at your workload closer, you may realize that some work you do during the day can wait, not all of it is urgent and important. You may have enough time for life after all.

Even though we all have the same number of hours in a day, when you learn how to prioritize strategically you make more time for what really matters, not only in your business but also in your personal life. If you deem everything important and urgent, you may end up getting through the week instead of being strategic and planning ahead. Prioritizing, on the other hand, allows you to improve your productivity, reduce levels of stress and anxiety, and it gives you more time to work on other things, and live life.

In the video above, our coach expert Sabrina Cadini went over the benefits of prioritizing, and she shared her take on life-work balance that can help you boost energy and optimize your time so that you can achieve better goals faster in the workplace.

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