How to balance childcare, career, and self-care (Video)

We all live in a busy world and, as working mothers or fathers, we try to fulfill multiple roles and taking care of everyone around us, we try to have a fulfilling career, and at the same time be there for the people we love, and for ourselves.

Think about it: we try to be a perfect spouse, a wonderful parent, a trusted friend, but also a driven professional, a motivating team member, or an innovative leader. But that’s not all: we also want to be a nice neighbor, and maybe find time to give back and volunteer. Wait, there’s more: we also want to find time for ourselves. But when? There’s too much to do, and not enough time in our day, and all these responsibilities and to-dos are taking a toll on our well-being.

You might think that being organized is the key to fit everything in your schedule. Unfortunately, life happens around us and there’s always something coming up that stops our ideal workflow or interferes with our decisions.

Then what happens? We get frustrated because we weren’t able to accomplish our to-dos, we get stressed out, and eventually burnout becomes part of our daily routine. Our life becomes a burden, we don’t perform well, and we can’t enjoy those precious moments with friends and family, or even with ourselves anymore. Does this sound familiar?

The key is not to rely on organization only – we have to find balance in our life.

Many of you are probably resistant to the concept of work-life balance because you came to the conclusion that “it simply doesn’t exist.” However, when you shift priorities and you start from life, you optimize your natural resources first and reclaim your energy, focus, positivity, creativity, productivity, you increase your performance, and obtain outstanding results in anything you do. There’s no reason to feel guilty for not doing it all; focus on what needs your attention, on your important obligations, and balance them with self-care for long-term well-being and fulfillment in life and in your career.

Let’s talk about self-care for a moment because many of you either feel guilty for dedicating time to self-care, or you don’t think that applies to you, or you’re ashamed to admit you’re doing it. There’s nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about self-care. It is a way to recognize our needs and take care of our health, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, or even spiritual.

Self-care might look different to each of us, but the goal is the same: self-care is supposed to restore, refresh, and strengthen us. And when we take care of ourselves, we can then take care of others – this means our kids, our siblings, our parents, our colleagues or team members or employees, clients, everyone around us.

Self-care is not selfish or some type of luxury that you might not be able to afford. Chances are, you’re already doing some form of self-care every single day without even realizing it. Like sleep, for instance – that’s the ultimate act of self-care that you can give to yourself to recharge your body and your brain and function optimally throughout the day.

There are many ways you can practice self-care to create balance in your life, and you can also decide whether you want to do it on your own or involve others.

One solution to make self-care a priority in your daily life is by setting morning and evening routines to start and end your busy day with a clear plan where you create dedicated, quality time and space to your well-being, personal growth, or whatever is meaningful and purposeful to you.

Watch the video above to get tips about morning and evening routines from our coach expert Sabrina Cadini!

Mana helps you create routines right inside the app, and you can use them to log your time more easily every single day.

Want to know more about Mana? Download the app today and schedule a call with one of our coaches to learn how to spend your time better!

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